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Showing posts from August, 2017

Instant Pot Pumpkin Bison Chili

I know it is a little early but.. who doesn't love a good pumpkin recipe? This recipe came to me while we were preparing for our move; I was trying to eat all the food in my fridge and freezer like I was trying to place first in the Nathan's hot dog eating contest! Okay maybe not that intense.. I found a bag of frozen pumpkin from pumpkin and apple picking season last year and it was just the right amount to make a chili! Score! This chili came out just the way I like it, meaty and saucy, where all the ingredients are the same size and the fat from the beef pools together with the other liquids making a savory meaty sauce. Can you taste it right now? Try out this recipe and if you do not have an Instant Pot no worries! This recipe can also be made stovetop or in a slow cooker. Tag me in your recipe creations using #HealthyAFay, enjoy! Instant Pot Pumpkin Bison Chili Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Servings: 4-8 Ingredients: 1tbsp coo...

My 5 Tips for Optimal Sleep!

Did you know that if your sleep is poor you may not be experiencing life in the most optimal way possible? Yes, sleep does affect your quality of life and poor sleep can lead to a myriad of health issues like trouble loosing weight, obesity, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, nutrient deficiencies, even cancer! Did you know that just one night of bad sleep can make you as insulin resistant as a type 2 diabetic? Your chances of sugar cravings and eating in a caloric surplus skyrocket after a night of sleep deprivation. When I mention optimal sleep I am speaking of falling asleep with no trouble and staying asleep throughout the night, and getting a good base of 7-9 hours of sleep per night.  When the sun goes down, our bodies naturally start to produce melatonin, a hormone that promotes relaxation and regulates the bodies sleep and wake cycle. Did you know that our bodies are made to replicate the suns pattern, waking as it rises, and going to sleep as it sets? This is called our...

Swoodle Everything!

Swoodle. What is a swoodle you may ask? So may red lines all in my draft because swoodle is not actually in the dictionary. So intriguing now, isn't it? Well you are in luck because today not only am I going to tell you what a swoodle is, but i am also going to show you TWO recipes you can use swoodles in! A swoodle is simply a sw eet potato n oodle made from a vegetable spiralizer. Evidently my computer does not recognize spiralizer either! Click here for the spiralizer I use. And click here for the spiralizer I want to purchase next! It all started last Fall when sweet potato prices dropped so low we could not resist in buying SIXTY POUNDS OF SWEET POTATOES. Yep. Sixty pounds. My husband and I took turns around the clock chopping and roasting, we even had to go out and invest in a deep freezer! The majority of prep we did was in the form of roasted sweet potatoes, we measured out 100g baggies and froze them for super efficient meal prep. Along with cubing, we also ...

Sleepy Time Magnesium Gummies

Out of nowhere, my eyelid started twitching. I immediately linked that to my current trouble falling asleep and voila! Magnesium deficiency! It is amazing when you can get to a point where you know your body in and out. So with my new detective work, I decided to hash out a new bedtime recipe, Magnesium Gummies! I love making gummies. With a sweet tooth and all, its nice to have a treat after a meal that also serves as taking your vitamins! Score! These gummies have all the goodness in them - magnesium and chamomile for sleep, dandelion root for detoxification, and collagen for gut health and beautiful hair, skin, and nails! I would suggest only taking these before bedtime or a nap since the magnesium and chamomile together are a perfect recipe for beautiful sleep! Magnesium has been found to help decrease cortisol, the "stress" hormone,  that can keep you alert and wired at night. It also is well known for its ability for relieve insomnia and help muscles relax. Dande...