Bone broth has been a staple in our home for the last four years. Each time I get my ingredients out, I feel like I am making a witches brew, adding different ingredients to make each batch a nutrient dense powerhouse of a potion to help heal the gut and boost immunity like no other food source can. My bone broth journey began when I started focusing on healing my gut. I adopted a Paleo diet, ditching the gluten and dairy, and focusing more on easily digestible foods, fermented foods, and bone broths. I learned I had a leaky gut and I was suffering from asthma, allergies, acne, and chronic colds and sinus infections. After some time, I started to notice my symptoms were significantly decreasing. Not only were my allergies and asthma gone, my face had cleared up, I had more energy, I was sleeping better, and I no longer had a single cold or sinus infection! Gut health is SO important. Did you know 70% of our immunity is in our gut? Poor gut health directly relates to chronic ...